Cab My Ride

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Keeping us all safe

Our daily lives have been disrupted and life as we knew it has dramatically changed, but we’ve all done our best to adapt, stay strong and continue to connect. Here at Cab My Ride over the past 3 months, we’ve constantly been updating our policies guidelines to keep our riders and drivers safe. As bars and restaurants re-open we’re seeing a surge in people travelling with us, and here’s how we’re keeping everyone safe whilst we are still in a national pandemic.

What you can expect from our drivers

  • Installation of partition screens

  • Availability of hand sanitiser in all cars

  • Regular deep disinfection of cars

  • Disinfecting touch-points after every rider

  • Mandatory masks whilst you ride. Our driver can provide you with these if you don’t have one at £1 per mask.

We’re all exciting to go out, connect, see friends and family socialise, but please take extra care when you travel with us, the front passenger seat is not in use in any of our vehicles. myRide (4 seater) turns into 3 riders & myRide+ (6-8) turns into 4-6 riders. Of course our support line is open 24/7 so if you have any questions or concerns call us.

We understand that our services are going to be a little different for a while, but we ask you for your patients and cooperation whilst we go through this together. We’re excited to see you again and hope that the experience isn’t too different from before.